Monday, 23 November 2015

500 Miles

As you may have gathered from my imaginative title there has been a bit of travel recently; if only it had just been 500 miles. In reality we drove 1050 miles in total. We drove from our home, over the hills through snow and all the way down to where my OH's family live for a big get together for an important birthday. It was a really good day out and we had a fancy tea in a hotel with finger sandwiches, freshly baked scones with cream and jam, french fruit tarts and raspberry panna cotta. His family is huge, noisy, smiley and wonderful so the time flew by and it was a shame it had to end.
We drove home and it seemed much later than it was by the time we finally arrived home because it had been dark outside since the afternoon but even as we drove we could see even more snow gleaming outside. The feeling I get when we are driving home, the warmth and relaxation, was made even more magical by the snow because I am a total child around snow. I giggle and watch it falling for hours, calling over the munchkins to look too. We make snow men, snow angels, have snowball fights and write words in the snow before going inside, changing into warm pyjamas and watch the snow fall over our creations as we drink hot chocolate with marshmallows. It is possible that one day I may actually grow out of this but, honestly, I don't want to!
My bread baking has continued and the flour from Logie Steading made such lovely bread that I am hoping to get some more next time I go by there. My sourdough starter is still going strong despite my reservations that I would forget it or it would stop working for some obscure reason.
Preparations continue for Christmas and although it may seem like a really long build up it is worth it to see the look on the munchkins' faces. I have been making little decorations in the forms of knitted stockings in red and white which are filled with striped candy canes and given to the children we know, crocheted snowflakes in white which have been starched to hold their shape better and angels out of beads to hang on the tree and to give as little gifts to people. Parcels with gifts that need to be sent have been posted or delivered when we visited family. I am feeling nicely organised and am looking forward to sitting down with a hot chocolate and the mound of cards that need to be written. I used to make sure all of the cards were the same designs and would buy the same multipacks to make sure of this but now I have cards left over from previous years that lurk from one year to the next and I buy one or two packs of nice cards when I see them.
Well I suppose it is time to wrap this up as the stove will not light itself and my day looks to be quite busy with surgery as a teddy has lost his arm.

Hugs from Haggis Land


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