I feel so lucky to live here.
Last week we took to the water in the canoe while the munchkins were in school and it was exhilarating. It was a bit choppy so it was hard work but we saw a mass of ducks taking off from a small island on the loch and then on our way round we saw a massive heron flying low over the water. It really is food for the soul but then if these things are food for the soul then what would be the drinks for the soul? Well what can't be far off is the gorgeous elderberry wine we like from Cairn O'Mohr so we have been making yet more of our own home wine. Next year after drinking more of our own wine we may decide that it is the drink of a very troubled soul and never make another drop but so far we have been quite encouraged!
A friend of mine sent me a message asking if I wanted some plums from the tree in her garden so of course I said yes. The next day I collected the plums and found a recipe to try (here is the link...http://allotmentheaven.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/plum-wine-easy-recipe.html) and now I am waiting before I can add the sugar etc. I will keep you informed about any progress of that and the blackberry batch that is currently bubbling away. Hopefully we will try making some elderberry wine. That is the hope anyway. The juice carton wine made with apple is very nice, not particulalry alcoholic, very drinkable and not as much like cider as I thought it would be. We decided to make more of this although after trying the grape we were unsure about it so we are giving it a bit more time before trying it again in case it needs a bit longer to develope. I was surprised to have to buy more wine yeast as it does not feel like I have made that much wine yet but looking at all of the bottles in the cupboard I suppose I must have. A few years ago I gave a few demi-johns to a friend who was going to try a bit of brewing but she didn't ever get round to it so when she came up for the wedding she brought the demi-johns back which is handy considering how many are on the go at any one time now.
Tomorrow I will be opening up the bee hive for the last time this year and do the last things to prepare them for winter. I have been reassured that every time it is very windy or it snows I will worry about them and probably even lose sleep...they were right though, it is more of an obsession than a hobby. The second suit has arrived so next season munchkin the elder will be out with me, probably towering over me now she is so tall, as she plans to hold a frame of bees and get a good look at the girls as they go about their work. I bet it won't be long before she wants a hive of her own although she will most likely want to paint it pink.
Hugs from Haggis Land,
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